Tag: Luis Palau Association

How to Mobilize Your Church for Evangelism

Behind every church that is passionate about evangelism is a lead pastor who prioritizes evangelism. To these pastors, evangelism is not merely a training program to be implemented, it is a culture.

Andrew Palau: My Top 10 Books on Evangelism

Reignite Your Passion for Sharing Your Faith

Reignite Your Passion for Sharing Your Faith

Andrew Palau: My Top 10 Books on Evangelism

Luis Palau: A Good Day for Good News—Part 1

“We all need to be met with the compassion that helps disarm us to accept that we have been loved by God to the point of the gracious, violent sacrifice of Jesus.”

Luis Palau: A Faithful Legacy—Part 2

"God gave you your ministry to take care of it for him. It is more than a job. It is a calling, and a grand one."

RE:NEW Talks—Real Conversations for Pastors and Leaders Right Now

The Luis Palau Association is hosting a free online pastor’s gathering on October 29.

Stories of Hope: An Online Festival Experience (May 30)

Join the Luis Palau Association for an online global evangelism festival sharing testimonies from athletes and influencers.

Increase Your Reach at the Outreach Summit

Equip your team with practical strategies and new tools to help your church reach more people for Christ.