Tag: IVP

God’s Wild Creatures

We have a responsibility to protect the habitats of God's creatures.

9 Habits to Develop Now to Lead the Post-Coronavirus Church

What lessons will God teach you through this time?

Chuck DeGroat: When Narcissism Comes to Church

Healing Your Community From Emotional and Spiritual Abuse (IVP, 2020)

From the Shadows to the Light

A way forward for people affected by Narcissism in the church

This Year’s Best Cross-Cultural and Missional Books

Evaluated by Robert Gallagher, director and professor of intercultural studies at Wheaton College Graduate School.

Jay Y. Kim on Community in a Time of Social Distancing

The life of following Jesus is communal.

Lacy Finn Borgo: Spiritual Conversations With Children

Listening to God Together (IVP)

The Gift of Eyes and Ears

Excerpted FromSpiritual Conversations With ChildrenBy Lacy Finn Borgo When we accompany a child in their life with God, asking questions acknowledges the autonomy of the...