Tag: IVP

Walter R. Strickland II

The tale of Black faith is interwoven into the tapestry of God’s people.

Irwyn Ince: A Hopeful Pursuit

How do we live in this world in light of the truth that Jesus is who he says he is, that he is indeed making all things new?

21st Annual Outreach Resources of the Year

The Outreach Resources of the Year honors the past year’s best books that emphasize outreach-oriented ideas. You will discover valuable tools that belong on your bookshelf, that you will reach for time and again as they enhance your effectiveness in ministry through the years.

Forged in the Crucible of Leadership

Leadership lessons from the world of blacksmithing

Alan Noble

You have the solemn responsibility and privilege to bear witness to the goodness of life by living despite suffering.

20th Annual Outreach Resources of the Year: Social Issues

While acknowledging hits to the credibility, reputation and psyche of the church's collective witness, they passionately and practically encourage readers to see this not so much as a problem but an opportunity for the church to understand the times and know what is the best course of action to take (1 Chron. 12:32) in pursuit of systemic transformation for the sake of the gospel.

20th Annual Outreach Resources of the Year: Apologetics

Travis Dickinson’s Wandering Toward God is a vital apologetic resource for church leaders who navigate our age of deconstruction. This book not only provides answers to pressing questions, but also sorts through the central challenge of doubts.

20th Annual Outreach Resources of the Year

Discover new favorites and valuable tools that will enhance your effectiveness in ministry.