Derwin Gray: Limitless Strength

Derwin Gray Lead Pastor and Executive Elder Pastor
Transformation Church Indian Land, S.C.
A 2013 Outreach 100 Church


The turning point happened before Transformation Church went public with services three years ago. We literally had nowhere to hold services. We didn’t have enough money. We didn’t have enough of anything but Jesus. And Jesus has proven to be more than enough. During the pre-launch planning, Jesus taught me how to wrestle him and not let go until he has blessed me and given me a limp. The greater our needs, the greater I pressed into him to provide a facility, money and an extraordinary leadership team to serve Transformation Church. I continue to live in a posture of wrestling with Jesus, asking him to give me a limp, because the more I limp, the more he blesses Transformation Church to reach and transform people.


We measure success by being faithful to our vision, which is “we are a multiethnic, multigenerational, mission-shaped community that loves God completely, ourselves correctly and our neighbors compassionately.” And by producing disciples who live out the five aspects of spiritual formation: Worship, Connect, Serve, Give, Invite.

  1. Worship: Our people are growing in seeing and experiencing all of life as worship
  2. Connect: Our people are connecting in our small group communities, where they study the sermon-based curriculum, pray for one another and minister to one another.
  3. Serve: Our people are being empowered to serve in ministries in Transformation Church and serve others in their spheres of influence.
  4. Give: Our people are living a life of financial stewardship that produces financial generosity toward Transformation Church and other Jesus-centered causes.
  5. Invite: Our people are living a missional lifestyle by displaying God’s glory and reaching lost people.


My most important work habit is learning daily to not work in my limited strength, but to work from Jesus’ unlimited strength. All of my leading, submitting to authority, sermon prep and counseling must flow from a heart mesmerized by Jesus and his grace. I realize the healthier I am, the healthier our staff and Transformation Church will be. I’m learning that gifted people are a dime a dozen, but gifted, healthy, spiritual leaders are a rare treasure. I want to be a treasure for the glory of Jesus.

Twitter: @DerwinLGray
Founded: 2010
Affiliation: Nondenominational
Locations: 3
Attendance: 2,255
Growth in 2012: +449 (25%)
Fastest-Growing: 55

Derwin Gray
Derwin Gray

Derwin L. Gray is the co-founding and lead pastor of Transformation Church in South Carolina. He also is the author of How to Heal Our Racial Divide (Tyndale Momentum).