“I’m excited that God has been opening doors for our church all over the city of Indianapolis,” says Lead Pastor Aaron Brockett. “We love every part of our city: the suburbs, the urban core and the outlying rural communities. We have people who live and work in each of those areas.
“When you walk into any one of our campuses, it looks and feels like Traders Point, but it is also a unique expression, reflecting the culture and feel of that part of town. With every campus we start, there are not only more opportunities to reach a broader group of people, but we create leadership roles for our people to step in to. It’s thrilling and humbling all at the same time to watch our people own the mission and vision. We’ve also had 600-plus baptisms so far in 2017. I’m pretty pumped about that!
“I’m more and more convinced that ‘culture; is the critical factor in a church’s growth and effectiveness. It requires time, discipline and consistency to create and maintain. It takes years to develop and can be damaged very quickly.
“We work hard at developing the kind of culture that is informed and inspired by the Great Commission and Great Commandment. We want to stay close to the heart of God and continue to grow in our relationship with Jesus. There is so much we simply cannot take credit for and would be foolish to do so. People in our community who are not yet convinced should see something tangibly different about us because of Jesus. When this happens consistently, I believe it’s contagious. People are looking for that.”
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Whitestown, Indiana
Senior Pastor: Aaron Brockett
Website: TPCC.org
Twitter: @AaronBrockett, @TradersPointCC
Facebook: /TradersPointCC
Founded: 1834
Affiliation: Independent Christian Churches
Locations: 3
Attendance: 7,490
Growth in 2016: +1,537 (26%)
Fastest Growing: 5
Largest: 62