Tag: Headline

3 Ways to Face Marital Challenges

In marriage you will have to navigate through traffic in the form of marital struggles. The key is to stick together.

Crucial Advice for Young Leaders

Depending on young leaders' expectations, these might be hard words to hear, but they're crucial for success in leadership.

4 People You Need in Your Life

People come and go in our lives, but these four people are absolutely essential for every Christian to have in their corner.

How to Revitalize Your Church—The 5 R’s

Church revitalization starts with reframing on the grace of God. That's just the beginning. Here are the rest of the steps to resurrect a dying church.

Greg Laurie: 3 Key Character Traits for Young Leaders

Insights from Greg Laurie on the most important character traits for young leaders to cultivate in their lives—traits that good mentors model.

5 Warning Signs of Moral Failure

If you see these warning signs in someone else—or yourself—it's time to have a difficult conversation.

Connecting the Gospel to Every Sermon

"The gospel is the foundation for everything we believe. It should be the basis for everything we teach."

5 Simple Steps to Better Preaching

These tips will help you think through and deliver your sermons in a way that draws listeners closer to Christ.