Tag: gospel

How Christ’s Victory Shapes Our Lives Today

His power and presence are at work in us.

How to Make Sure You’re Preaching to Everyone

7 tips for preaching to young, old and not-yet Christians

Do the Happiest People in the World Want the Gospel?

Spreading the gospel in Nordic countries where people think they're already happy

2 Words That Embody the Gospel

More than a simple salutation, grace and peace are at the core of our faith.

How to Cultivate a Gospel Culture in Your Church

3 keys for helping your church thrive as a gospel community

Jesus Wore Our Curse

Thorns, thistles, sweat and the gospel

Remembering Theologian C. René Padilla

The Ecuadorian missiologist was a champion of holistic mission

Why the Gospel Is Antifragile

Jesus is the one building the church.