Tag: Fuller Theological Seminary

Anna Morgan: When Women Are Called to Leadership

It starts with a woman identifying her own calling.

Seminary Next

How seminaries are innovating to more effectively train the next generation of church leaders.

The Church Is Calibrated for a World That No Longer Exists

Excerpted from the Innovative Church (Baker Academic)

The Crucible of Change

What is needed to become a leader with the resilience to lead congregational and organizational change in a rapidly changing, completely disrupted world?

What Kind of Leader Is Needed for This Moment?

Exploring transformational leadership

Lacy Finn Borgo: Spiritual Conversations With Children

Listening to God Together (IVP)

Hak Joon Lee & Tim Dearborn: Discerning Ethics

Diverse Christian Responses to Divisive Moral Issues (IVP)

Kara Powell and Steven Argue: Growing With

Every Parent's Guide to Helping Teenagers and Young Adults Thrive in Their Faith, Family and Future