
How to Leverage Existing Ministries for Outreach

“You could launch new outreach ministries without removing any existing ministries, increasing your budget or adding staff.”

One Church’s Story of Transformation

We waited as each church went through the 30-day jumpstart. Then we heard the stories.

Charlie Dates: The Indestructible Power of the Gospel

Jesus lived 33 years, walking on water as it recognized its creator King and became a solid. He turned water into wine. He welcomed sinners and the marginalized into his company. And then, he died—that is, until death died. Until sin apologized. Until the earth rocked and reeled like a drunken man. Until the sun could no longer stand seeing its own creator crucified to a tree, so it pulled the shade across the noonday. They laid him in a borrowed tomb, but early Sunday morning, before the sun got up, the Son pulled one foot out of eternity, stepped back into time, and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” (Matt. 28:18).

Future Now—Lead With Humility

We need a posture of learning and humility, perhaps in a way we never have had in our lifetimes.

The Real Competition for the Local Church

We're not competing against the things we think we are for people's time and attention.

How to Overcome Fear in a Healthy Way

I’ve watched fear keep many people from achieving all God would have them achieve. Rather than assume the risk required to pursue their dreams;...

What to Do While We Wait for the Election Results

3 brief thoughts in the wake of the election

The Dilemma of Social Media and the Church

Insights from 'The Social Dilemma' documentary on Netflix

5 Ways to Make Things Worse When You Face Criticism

What to avoid when you're feeling defensive

Soul Care in the Isolation of Winter and COVID

How to keep going strong in a tough season

How Do We Explain the Slaughter of the Canaanites?

Understanding one of the most difficult topics in the Bible