
Why Hiring an Interim Pastor Might Be Good for Your Church

8 reasons why you should consider a temporary pastor to help you gain more clarity about the direction of your church.

Hearing God

But imagine this. What if you had a handwritten note sent to you from God? Would you carry it around in your pocket for a couple of weeks and open it when you got around to it?

10 Major Pitfalls of Church Boards

Are these mistakes undercutting the effectiveness of your board?

The Changing Face of Missions in the Digital Age

It’s time to shift from primarily thinking about missions in terms of geographical boundaries, and start thinking in terms of digital boundaries.

What Story Does Your Facility Tell?

Determine Your Church’s Unique Story and How to Share It

5 Evangelism Tips for Your Small Group

Simple and quick exercises added to small-group meetings can encourage people to take their faith stories into the community.

Moving Beyond Compassion Fatigue

We're bombarded daily by appeals from people in need. It's important that we take steps to stave off compassion fatigue.

When God Isn’t Answering Your Prayers

4 questions to ask when you feel like he is silent.

From Distraction to Devotion

Refocusing on evangelism in a world filled with distractions.

10 Things Trending in the Church for 2022

What can we know about the coming year from this year’s data?

Rich Villodas: Deeply Formed—Part 1

“The Christian life is not just going to heaven when we die, but having the very life of Christ formed in us.”