
Is It Really Necessary to Memorize Scripture?

Memorizing a chapter is easier than memorizing 18 scattered verses because most chapters are a flowing story.

How to Identify and Handle a People Problem

You improve people problems by improving people.

E Pluribus Unum?

God delights in our diversity and calls us to pursue reconciliation wherever needed.

Speaking Their Language

Church planters target Korea’s 2.5 million migrant workers.

Øystein Gjerme: Why It Matters That We Are God’s Masterpiece

Our identity is not primarily in our work, but in the God who calls us.

How to Do a Marriage Vision Retreat

What could happen if we taught people to seek God for a vision for their marriage? What could happen if we led by example?

Don’t Live Worried About Future Regrets

Sometimes we live with an unhealthy fear of making future mistakes.

The Cost of Gaining the World

Don’t let secondary things keep you from following God with all your heart.

Facts Are Our Friends

Facing the truth is key to finding our future.

Why Wisdom Comes Through Community

It matters who we surrounded ourselves with.

What’s Next for the Pro-Life Cause?

The road ahead will require courage and compassion