
How to Know if Someone Is Called to Global Missions

These questions will help you gauge whether you or another individual are being called to missions.

Every Believer a Disciple Maker

Matshobane has chosen to pour himself into others and care both for who they are and what they’re doing.

Faith That Comes by Hearing

3 strategies for reaching oral cultures with the gospel

Love and Missions

Passion does not always mean compassion.

Africa’s Accelerating Disciple-Making Movement

The church in Africa is mirroring the early church in innovative ways.

A Bible for Every Language

How the nation's largest Bible translators are collaborating to finish the mission.

Patrick Johnstone: Thinking Biblically About Immigration

The flood of refugees is only going to continue. How will the church respond?

From ‘Zero Tolerance’ to ‘Welcoming the Stranger’

How should churches think about refugees and immigrants?

Soulfires: Following the Heart of Christ to Honduras

The astounding story of Gracie Murphree's journey from freelance writer in Alabama to chief of special crimes in Talanga.

The Tagline That Launched 1,000 Mission Trips

William Carey's famous quote inspired the modern missionary movement.

How the 2011 Earthquake Has Transformed Outreach to Japan

People in Tohoku were drawn to Christianity by the Christians who kept returning to help.