
How the Gospel Confronts Culture

The message of Christ’s redemptive love and free gift of forgiveness for all has been the force behind centuries of social change.

A Long Walk to Jesus

Someone who had been family by blood became family through the blood of the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.

An App That Helps Equip Youth to Share Jesus

Like a ready-to-use gospel tract, this app is always available for believers to share the Good News of Jesus with friends and strangers alike.

Ministry After the Virus

Four essential concepts for navigating today and preparing for tomorrow

Why Churches Struggle With Evangelism

Eight reasons churches have a hard time with evangelism.

An Outreach Journey

Lessons from a church changing its culture

When Certainties Are Shattered

I guess we’ll all look back on the coronavirus outbreak of March 2020 as a moment of transition. For the last two months, I...

The Church’s Role in a Post-Christian World

By studying John the Baptist, we can become a prophetic witness to the second coming.

Time for a New Normal

This pandemic has shaken the world—so much sickness, death and economic destruction. Our first concern should be the hurting, but we eventually do need...

How to Give an Effective Online Gospel Invitation

Clearly sharing the gospel and inviting people to follow Christ online

Ravi Zacharias (1946–2020)

Editor’s Note: The following article was published before the devastating findings from the investigation into accusations of sexting, unwanted touching, spiritual abuse and rape...