
Does God Still Love You?

We cannot earn more of God's love or lose any of it because His love for us is unconditional. He loves us fully and completely, no matter what we do.

Hearing God

But imagine this. What if you had a handwritten note sent to you from God? Would you carry it around in your pocket for a couple of weeks and open it when you got around to it?

20 Things I Learned From ‘God Shines Forth’

“To get a right and true understanding of God (and to correct any faults and distortions we may continue to pick up) we must look to the Son.” -Daniel Hames and Michael Reeves

The Danger of Looking Down on Other Christians

Be careful to avoid becoming self-righteous.

5 Diagnostic Questions That Reveal the State of Your Heart

The parable of the good Samaritan provides some good insights into the true nature of our hearts.

The Bible Project: Using Animation to Explain the Bible

Making the Bible jump off the page

What if Good Friday Had Never Happened?

In short, we'd be hopeless.

When Elijah Went Through Three Years of Self-Quarantine

Elijah experienced a season of rich spiritual growth. You can experience the same.

5 Ways the Coronavirus Is Making the Church Stronger

In the midst of the pandemic, God is still at work.

How Do You Talk to Your Kids About the Coronavirus?

Advice from a family therapist

How Not to Waste Your Quarantine

Don't just make it through; redeem the time.