Tag: evangelism

Robert Coleman: Jesus’ Strategy to Reach the World

"If you are truly doing evangelism, you will take care of the people you bring to Christ."

Evangelism and Grace

In the Nov/Dec 2014 issue: Kevin Harney on Evangelism, Naturally; Lance Ford on Being "Good News" People; Philip Yancey on Soul Thirst; Larry Osborne on Evangelism and Culture Warfare; and the Outreach Interview with Wilfredo "Choco" De Jesús

Christine Caine: Rescue the One

“There are so many who need rescuers ... . Each of them is God’s missing treasure.”

Greg Laurie: The State of American Evangelism

Evangelist and Pastor, Harvest Crusades and Harvest Christian Fellowship, Southern California

Rick Warren: What Is the True Cost of Outreach?

4 insights about money and evangelism