Tag: Ed Stetzer

Ed Stetzer: All Shapes and Sizes

A church with mission-shaped people living together for the gospel makes all the difference.

What Changes When Your Attendance Breaks 200?

Pastoring a church of 250 is significantly different than pastoring a church of 75.

A Sober Look at Abortion Policy

Most evangelical Christians will factor in the life issue, because for them, like me, life is a paramount issue. I encourage you to value the unborn as well.

Ed Stetzer: The Power of Small

Small churches present opportunities for community and care that larger churches must work harder to cultivate.

What’s Needed to Be a Church Planting Leader?

Being a church planting leader requires different skills than being a church planter.

4 Practical Steps for Recruiting a Church Plant Team

The idea of forming a church planting team seems daunting at first, but here are some simple steps that will keep you on track.

We Have Dual Citizenship

An ambassador’s job is to promote the welfare of the land to which they belong and act in the interests and priorities of the country they represent. Christians represent the Kingdom of God while living in this land.

Are You Sharing the One Story?

If we just take the Bible in isolated parts, we miss the flow of God. And the flow is important to understanding that the Gospel isn’t just a group of ideas.