Tag: Ed Stetzer

4 Benefits of Planting a Church With New Believers

What you gain when you don’t overlook new converts.

Ed Stetzer: Evangelism Matters

If your church shows no burden for the unreached all around you, you have missed the commission of Jesus.

How We Make the Message Relatable

Share your faith in an understanding and accessible way through relationships with others.

Christmas Reminds Us of Our Deepest Longings

The Christmas story teaches us that God understands our own stories. During this season, we celebrate the coming of our Savior and King.

Overcoming Obstacles While Planting a Church

Like any movement, challenges exist that threaten the vitality and longevity of church planting.

Ed Stetzer: What to Make of AI

It’s one thing to ask AI to help with sermon title ideas; it’s another to replace the study of God’s Word, and the work of the Holy Spirit, with ideas pulled together by AI.

Ethics and Evangelism

Not only does God’s mission permeate the grand narrative of the Bible—in creation, fall, redemption and restoration—but the Bible itself is a product of God’s mission.

Small Shifts Make a Big Difference in How We Approach Evangelism

To be effective in reaching an ever-changing culture, the church must be willing to adapt and innovate while staying true to the core message of the gospel.