Tag: Ed Stetzer

9 Obstacles When Planting a Church

Like any movement, challenges exist that threaten the vitality and longevity of church planting. We must consider how to address them.

Ukrainian Christians Keep Sharing the Love of Jesus

When I asked Ukrainian Christian leaders what they would want American Christians to know and to do, they consistently pleaded with me: “Tell Americans to stop believing Russian propaganda about the war.”

Ed Stetzer: A Higher Allegiance

There is no promise that this American experiment will last forever. Only the kingdom of God will last forever.

To All Graduates

Graduation at any level is an important time of new beginnings and excitement. But high school graduates face the unique transition into autonomy and self-discovery.

20 Things I Learned From ‘Attentive Church Leadership’

“The well-defined leader continuously pursues internal alignment, embracing their true self before God. They allow the Lord to define who they are more than the expectations of individuals or the apparent successes or failures of any organization.” -Kevin Ford and Jim Singleton

The Case for Small Groups

You can’t build community by way of programming, but you can use a program to create a pathway through which community can happen.

Evangelism and the Privatization of Faith

Make friends, in your own way, and avoid isolating yourself—be open to show and share the love of God.

20 Things I Learned From ‘God Shines Forth’

“To get a right and true understanding of God (and to correct any faults and distortions we may continue to pick up) we must look to the Son.” -Daniel Hames and Michael Reeves