Tag: depression

5 Common Myths of Depression

Dispelling these lies is key in beginning the journey toward recovery from depression.

The Fear That Plagued Robin Williams

Robin Williams struggled with depression and alcoholism, but there was a deeper struggle.

Leadership and Suicide: When Ending It Seems Like The Only Way Out

“Maybe you’ve thought the only way through your pain is to end your pain. It’s not.”

3 Things That Helped Me Through Depression

Early in ministry, I thought I had the answers for hurting people, then God allowed me to become depressed myself.

How Should Christians Think About Depression?

The Western world treats depression and melancholy as simply a biological disorder, but that is only part of the story.

Depression, Anxiety, and the Christian Life

Michael Lundy: Practical Wisdom from Richard Baxter

Words of Hope From a Depressed Pastor

"Knowing that the Lord is with me, even when I can’t detect him with my senses, has been a huge comfort to me."