Tag: Daniel Fusco

Daniel Fusco: Thinking Outside the Church Walls—Part 2

Most churches are attracting people who are already saved. Let's go out and find those who are lost.

Where Do We Find God?

Countless biblical characters sought out God in silence and solitude, and we are invited to do the same.

Upward, Inward, Outward

Daniel Fusco: Love God, Love Yourself, Love Others

How to Grow an Adaptable Church

Here's how our church rejected the false dichotomies that were keeping us stuck, and embraced Spirit-led change.

3 Steps to Getting Your Walk With Jesus Back on Track

"When our focus is off by even just one degree over a long enough time, it leads us to places we’d never planned on going."

Life Is Messy, Jesus Is Real

"Love comes from God. When we love each other, we’re showing each other that we’ve had a taste of what God is like."