Tag: Dan Reiland

Conflict Happens

Diversity plus maturity equals strength. We don’t have to agree to make one another stronger.

It Takes Time to Rise in Leadership

Get really good at your current job before you seek the next position. Learn your craft, grow as a leader, and become the go-to person that everyone wants on their team.

5 Warning Signs a Leader Is on the Path to a Fall

Catch it early while there is still time for a course correction.

Honor With Authenticity

If you feel honored, it’s always good if it catches you a bit by surprise. If you are looking for honor, it will never be enough.

When Do You Know It’s Time to Resign?

The next church may be bigger and the pay may be higher, but the grass is never greener.

Guard Against Being Enticed

Our downfall may start with a moment of temptation, but it’s most often about a long slow drift from the values we embrace to the enticements that entrap us.

6 Potential Pitfalls in Your Leadership Plan

A key element in any boardroom meeting is prayer. A good agenda brings purpose and clarity, but prayer brings unity and power.

Is Your Church Generous?

Generosity is not about money as much as it is about trust.