Tag: ChurchAnswers.com

Are You Concerned About the Ages of Your Church Members?

We older people are typically more faithful attenders, more faithful givers, and often have a bit of wisdom that comes with age.

How to Navigate the Negative Naysayer

When someone trumpets a series of baseless complaints, they are like a young child discovering a live mic in a room full of people. The noise is loud, overbearing, and impossible to ignore.

When Your Decision Upsets Others

Resilience is a skill we all need to build. Acknowledging disappointments as part of the leadership landscape helps us bounce back with grace. You will not always lead the meeting with patience and understanding.

Navigating the Election With Responsibility and Peace

When we vote, we’re not binding our consciences to a particular candidate. We are simply trying to better our country as best we can. Part of “loving your neighbors” is caring about issues affecting them (not just issues affecting you).

5 Ways to Think Higher and Live Bigger

Keep pursuing Jesus, thinking of his endurance against hostility, to avoid weariness and despair.

5 Gold Mines of Sermon Illustrations

Illustrations also help the listener to understand your points, especially the more abstract or theological ones.

What’s Missing When You Share the Gospel?

I have the entirety of God’s Word in my language and in my hands, and I can open any copy freely without threat to my life. I’m privileged to have God’s Word, to be able to read God’s Word, and to proclaim God’s Word.

Let’s Let Gen Z Lead the Way

Gen Z brings valuable perspectives that can enrich and reawaken the church community. By embracing diversity, prioritizing authenticity and relationships, and navigating hard issues with grace and consistency, church leaders can create a more inclusive and dynamic ministry environment.