Tag: Baker Publishing Group

The View From Below

Excerpted from 'Praying With Our Feet' (Brazos Press)

Stephen Viars: Overcoming Bitterness

Moving From Life’s Greatest Hurts to a Life Filled With Joy (Baker)

The Centrality of Your Heart

Excerpted from 'Overcoming Bitterness' (Baker Books)

Power Comes From Our Hearts

Excerpted from 'Redeeming Power' (Baker Publishing)

The Church Is Calibrated for a World That No Longer Exists

Excerpted from the Innovative Church (Baker Academic)

Daniel Harkavy: Leadership in Uncertain Times—Part 1

"A leader’s effectiveness is determined by just two things: the decisions they make and the influence they have."

The Christian Philosophy

Jesus the Great Philosopher (Brazos Press)

After the Election, Hold On to These 5 Truths

God is sovereign, and his divine plans will not be thwarted.