H.L. Hussmann

H.L. Hussmann has traveled the world leading mission trips and training Christians in outreach and apologetics. He is the author of "God's Greatest Passion: Every Christian, Everywhere, Sharing Jesus" and "Letters From a Martyred Christian." He is currently planting Daylight Church in Louisville, Ky.

The Word With Conviction: Grace Church

Grace Church of Dumfries, Va., Teaches the Word with Conviction

Symbols of Native American Outreach

A Minneapolis church incorporates Native American culture into an Episcopal church to reach the native population.

Artistic Faith: Vineyard Community Church

Vineyard Community Church Uses Its Newly Acquired Building for Its Original Art-centric Purpose

Archery Hits the Mark With Youth

An aging West Virginia congregation uses Centershot Ministries to attract young people.

A Walk in the Park: Dove Community Cell Church

Three Pennsylvania Congregations Team Up to Restore Peace to a Crime-Ridden Park

Mass Appeal, at Home and Abroad: Potential Church

Potential Church Finds Ways to Translate Its Messages Across Cultures

Church on Loan: Cheering for Opponents at the Big Game

An Oklahoma church "loans" its congregation as fans to the underdog football team

New Life for Small Churches: Brand New Church

Brand New Church Creates a Multisite Network Along the Back Roads of Rural America