Chuck Warnock

Chuck Warnock pastors Chatham Baptist Church in Chatham, Va., blogs at Confessions of a Small Church Pastor and writes for Outreach and other publications. He is pursuing his Doctor of Ministry degree at Fuller Theological Seminary, concentrating on the missional church as a reconciling community.

Shalom and the Future of Church Ministry

Focusing on the well-being of our communities

The “Success Factor” for Small Churches

Small Churches Can't Do Everything, But They Can Do Something ...

Essential Incredients: Members, Money, Leaders

Grace and Main: The exception that proves the rule? Or just plain exceptional?

Make a Youth Sports Connection This Fall

Open your facility so players and spectators can get refreshments and use the restrooms while games are occurring.

What I'm Learning: Don't Quit!

Chuck Warnock: "If you’re thinking, “Well, he doesn’t know how bad things are”—believe me, I do."

Host a Community Ecological Fair

Connect with local residents and businesses with an event that raises environmental awareness.

Provide Grief Support With GriefShare

Go further than traditional casseroles and cards to minister to people who have suffered a loss.