Tag: Alongsiders International

Why We Need to Watch How We Talk About Trafficking

Sensationalism is undermining the honest efforts of people and organizations trying to end human trafficking.

What Do You Do When Speaking Out Could Endanger Your Ministry?

How do we as Christians resist injustice when doing so could threaten our ability to do ministry where God has called us?

How to Walk Alongside the Poor

Go beyond simply giving to the poor, and walk alongside the poor. Here's how.

3 Steps to Better Short-Term Missions

We all know the limitations of short-term mission trips. Here are three crucial considerations to help make them better.

Should You Move to a ‘Better Suburb’?

Jesus left the most exclusive gated community in the universe in order to come down and make his home in our midst.

3 Vital Skills You Won’t Learn in Bible School

Full-time ministry isn't always smooth sailing. Being a faithful minister of the gospel often requires grit, perseverance, and a willingness to speak hard truths with love.

10 Reasons Why Your Good Intentions to Fight Poverty Backfire

"Good intentions to alleviate poverty are not good enough. Sometimes our helping hurts the 'helped.'"

Why Are We Still Building Orphanages in 2016?

"As Christians, we should be the ones out there supporting families. Instead we are destroying them."