
Generosity and Selflessness

It is really easy to give out of a surplus. That’s because the surplus is never something we truly need.

Everyday Evangelism

It all starts with a simple prayer to bring someone along your path today with whom you can share.

Aren’t Christians Just a Bunch of Hypocrites?

Rejecting Christianity because some Christians are hypocrites would be like not buying a certain brand of shoes because the only people you’ve ever seen wearing them were troublemakers.

The Wheaton College Billy Graham Center Launches the African American Church Evangelism Institute

Lilly Endowment Inc. has awarded a $1 million grant to Wheaton College (Ill.) to establish a new African American Church Evangelism Institute as a program of the Wheaton College Billy Graham Center.

Study: Half of U.S. Protestant Pastors Hear Conspiracy Theories in Their Own Churches

49% of U.S. Protestant pastors say they frequently hear members of their congregation repeating conspiracy theories they have heard about why something is happening in our country.

Avoiding Pastoral Red Zones

Pastor care must be a pandemic priority

The Importance of Staying Vulnerable as a Leader

Accountability and support for church leaders

The View From Below

Excerpted from 'Praying With Our Feet' (Brazos Press)

Wise Transitions

How not to be an unintentional interim pastor

Rebuilding the Wall

What we can learn from Nehemiah about helping our broken world

ReCreation: EDEN City

An Ethos-Driven Experimental Neighborhood (E.D.E.N.) is a destination designed to contribute to the overall development, health and happiness of its residents.