
Joel Muddamalle: Total Dependence

We think humility is an invitation for people to walk all over us, for endless suffering, to be left out. Yet the Bible doesn’t present that at all.

Léonce B. Crump Jr.: Recovering Resilience

Trust is built when there is an opportunity to have a catalytic moment where someone shares their story, where you see into that person.

David Kinnaman: Living Out the Gospel in Digital Babylon

The promise of Jesus is for this life and the life to come. There’s an opportunity that we have in this moment of spiritual openness that Jesus is well-regarded and well-liked and he seems to be beckoning people.

Healing the Wounds: One Pastor’s Journey

“When People Begin to Understand the Perfect Love of God, It Spreads Out From Heart to Church to City, Patiently Healing.”

David Fitch: Recognizing Christ’s Presence—Part 1

What is love? It’s not a sentiment. In the Bible, it’s “he loved us by giving himself up for us."

David Fitch: The Mystery of God’s Presence Through Us—Part 2

"Wherever God’s presence is, we come into relationship one to another in a space where God wants to do something new."

J.D. Greear: Is Your God Too Small?—Part 1

"It was as if I had my own little solar system and God was the missing planet."

J.D. Greear: Rediscovering Awestruck Wonder—Part 2

"Everything we need for a clear vision of our big God has been given to us in the Bible."

Chris Hodges: Responding to Spiritual Hunger—Part 1

"The challenge of leadership is to engage our culture so people are drawn to God through spiritual hunger."

Chris Hodges: Truth Packaged in Humility—Part 2

"Grace comes first, then truth. Connect before you correct."

Brian Houston: Living God’s Calling—Part 1

"Believers and church leaders shouldn't just be living saved. They should be living called."