3 Traits of Your Best Vision Carriers

Many local churches function as if the primary communicator is also the single vision caster. It’s true that the senior pastor is the lead vision caster, but that only paints a part of the picture.

It is also an insufficient way to view how a good vision is shaped, sustained and continually communicated to more and more people.

You’ve heard the phrase, “Vision leaks.” It’s true. And, because it’s true, the vision of your church must be said over and over again, including one to one, small group huddles and meetings and from the main stage.

Before I list the three traits, here’s a perspective on communicating the vision in your church.

There are three roles in leading and communicating the vision:

• Vision Creators
• Vision Castors
• Vision Carriers

The vision creators typically consist of a small group of senior staff leaders (or volunteer leaders in a smaller church) along with the church board, who follow the senior pastor’s lead and prompts from God. Together, they seek clarity, alignment and begin to secure buy-in from the rest of the leaders.

The vision castors are a slightly larger group who stand on a stage of various sizes and communicate the vision in a public way. This would include, for example, groups like campus pastors, student pastors, worship leaders, etc.

The vision carriers are a massive group and often underutilized. In fact, nearly anyone in your church can be a vision carrier—and often are, depending on their level of enthusiasm, buy-in and participation.

The more clear and compelling your vision, the farther your vision will carry, or another way to say it is, the farther it will be carried.

A vision is carried relationally to far more people than any one vision castor can take it, regardless of how gifted a primary communicator is.

After an inspiring talk from the senior pastor, people will sit in homes, coffee shops and where they work saying something like, “So, what did you think about what Pastor said?”

That’s when the vision carriers kick into gear.


1. They speak up positively.

The people who love your church speak enthusiastically and positively to far more people than the pastor or church staff will ever reach. They answer questions and encourage others to join in their enthusiasm. They help put out fires and help others understand the vision.

2. They contribute generously.

Vision attracts the resources needed to advance the mission. The people who have bought in at a heart level contribute financially, and often at a generous level. They have either personally experienced life change because of your church, or they see life change in your church, and their spiritual maturity allows them to make kingdom investments. A changed life stimulates generosity.

3. They serve joyfully.

The opportunities to serve as part of a local church are nearly endless. The number of ministry options within the church should be limited, but the opportunities to carry the love of Christ into the community are endless. Your best vision carriers serve with joy, and their enthusiasm is contagious! The strength and growth of your church are in many ways determined by the quantity, commitment, and enthusiasm of your vision carriers.


1. Make it clear.

Make sure your vision is simple to understand, fresh, and captivating. If it can’t be said in a minute, it’s too complicated.

2. Invest.

Always endeavor to want more for your people than from them. Your people are not tools to grow the church; they are the church. Grow your people, and they will reach more people.

3. Give them tools.

From brief training sessions to window clings, give your people tools to help them communicate. Most importantly, give them a reason to tell others.

Here’s how to know it’s working:

Vision carriers invite people! You can measure how well you’re doing by the number of guests and the retention rate of those guests.

Read more from Dan Reiland »

Dan Reiland is the executive pastor at 12Stone Church in Lawrenceville, Georgia. This article was originally published on Reiland’s blog, Developing Church Leaders.

Dan Reiland
Dan Reilandhttp://danreiland.com

Dan Reiland is the executive pastor at 12Stone Church in Lawrenceville, Georgia, and the author of several books including Confident Leader! Become One, Stay One (Thomas Nelson).

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