Tag: youth ministry

Don’t Forget the Next Generation

Are you overlooking a third of your church?

Teens Need Something They Can’t Find Online

The body of Christ is essential to spiritual growth. It is not incidental to healthy faith. It is necessary.

5 Easy Tips to Avoid Youth Pastor Stress and Exhaustion

Many youth leaders get discouraged and quit because they don’t have a vision worth staying for or, if they do have a vision, a strategy for accomplishing it.

The Conference on Gen Z, Mental Health, & Religion

You will learn from members of Gen Z themselves and then apply the research in break-out room conversations cohosted by organizations in your faith tradition, empowering you to turn the tide for young people everywhere.

Where Did Youth Ministry Go Wrong?

If we give the impression that getting your family-discipleship strategy right is the way to produce perfect, Christian children, then we’re presenting a false gospel.

How We Can Help Equip the Next Generation

It is not enough for kids to know basic Bible stories—they need to know how to read God’s Word for themselves and apply it to their lives.

All Ages Welcome

Why making your church multigenerational is worth the effort.

What Should a Youth Pastor Spend Their Time Doing?

3 Things All Youth Pastors Should Do