Tag: West Park Church London Ontario

Avoid These Common Mistakes When Planning Staff Retreats

Here are mistakes I've made in the past along with some solutions.

The Psychological Keys to Encouraging Generosity

Two significant processes in our brains that influence generosity

Preaching Sermons That Stick

How do people remember?

How to Avoid the 5 Biggest Mistakes Pastors Make on Sundays

The things that keep us from being at our best when people need us

10 Signs of a Narcissistic Leader

How to recognize if one of your leaders has narcissistic tendencies

What I Learned Teaching Pastors in Cuba

Teaching 75 pastor-leaders in Cuba stirred something new in my heart.

9 Warning Signs Your Hormones Are Hijacking Your Leadership

How many of these chronic anxiety markers are in your life?

6 Signs You’ve Overextended Yourself

And how to bring yourself back to balance