Tag: The Exchange

10 Things Evangelism Is and Isn’t

Dispelling the misconceptions surrounding evangelism

Into the Culture

Today a lot of people are talking about the church and culture. We are told that we need to engage the culture or understand...

Be Ready for New Opportunities After the Pandemic

The post-pandemic church is a fertile ground for new ideas

Our Mission in the Current Moment

Staying focused on the mission to our world

Navigating the Leadership Tug-of-War During the Pandemic

How to respond to the four types of opinions about returning to in-person worship

Can Your Church Be a Hybrid of Microchurch and Megachurch?

The pandemic is pushing us to explore new ways of being the church.

3 Simple Ways to Reach Your Neighbors

Engaging with your community begins with engaging those around you.

Study: Half of U.S. Protestant Pastors Hear Conspiracy Theories in Their Own Churches

49% of U.S. Protestant pastors say they frequently hear members of their congregation repeating conspiracy theories they have heard about why something is happening in our country.