Tag: statistics

Study: A Surprising Number of Christians Say They Aren’t Voting

Millions of Christians are unlikely to vote.

Do You Make These Assumptions of Those Who Attend Online?

The American Bible Society (ABS) in its annual State of the Bible release has found that online worshipers lead in Bible reading frequency.

Survey Details the Relationship Between Mental Health and Faith

The actions and beliefs of evangelical Protestants do not always align. Six out of 10 (59%) evangelicals who strongly believe reading the Bible contributes to positive mental health still do not read it daily, while 26% do not read it even monthly.

Biblical Worldview Among U.S. Adults Has Declined by 33% Since Start of Pandemic

The number of adults who don’t fall wholly into the biblical worldview category, but still lean that direction, possessing “a substantial number of beliefs and behaviors consistent with biblical principles,” has fallen dramatically, as well.