Tag: Staffing and Teams

7 Helpful Questions to Ask Before You Hire Someone New

Before you hire, think through these questions.

The Inverted Cathedral

Legacy International Center shares HIStory on a global scale.

What’s Your Staff Candidate’s ‘Operating System’?

If you’re hiring for a church or faith-based organization, you should know whether your team members are the right faith fit in the same...

Starting the Succession Conversation

Why your staffing plans matter now more than ever.

3 Things That Don’t Belong on Résumés

When it comes to representing yourself, less is more.

Don’t Lose Your Best People

Why big churches have higher staff turnover

2 Keys for Sustainable Ministry Growth

Focus on these things when staffing your ministry.

What’s Your Candidate’s ‘Operating System’?

Discovering how they engage with Scripture can provide valuable insights.