Tag: Saddleback Church Lake Forest

5 Keys to Building Your Small Group Ministry

From clarifying your vision to defining a plan, these five keys will help you keep your small group ministry on track.

Rick Warren: How Billy Graham Shaped My Life and Ministry

4 Things I learned about life and ministry from my relationship with Billy Graham (Photo courtesy of Rick Warren)

Preaching to the Unchurched: 5 Essentials

Rick Warren: "In terms of seeing radical life changes in individuals, nothing can take the place of Spirit-anointed preaching."

Kay Warren: Forgiving Those Who Unjustly Criticize You

"Holding grudges and keeping a record of wrongs are responses that feel justified but will sabotage unity in the church."

Kay Warren: Sacred Privilege, Crucial Partnership—Part 1

“The best thing pastors can do is to get off the pedestal so their family can get off it as well.”

Kay Warren: Sacred Privilege, Crucial Partnership—Part 2

"Pastors’ wives wish their husbands understood how painful it is when pastors treat the church as their mistress."

40 Ways to Increase Baptisms in 2017

Rick Warren: "Here’s a list of some simple things we do to set the stage for more baptisms that almost any church can do."

3 Essential Beliefs of World-Changing Churches

"The only way to make an impact on the world is to see the whole church involved—to see every member become a minister."