Tag: Saddleback Church Lake Forest

How to Involve Your Small Groups in the Great Commission

Your church will only be as healthy as its small groups are.

5 Ways to Gauge Your Spiritual Maturity

How do you know if you're growing in your faith?

7 Time-Tested Principles for Beating Discouragement

Insights from the apostle Paul

Reimagining The Reef

We wanted to create a memorable and exciting space using advanced technology and a gaming environment that the kids could be a part of. Rather than simply watching the fish, kids would be able to join a gamified experience.

4 Things to Do When You Feel Lonely in Ministry

Insights from the apostle Paul in 2 Timothy 4.

To Catch a Fish, You Have to Think Like a Fish

In order to reach non-Christians, you have to understand them and speak their language.

5 Questions to Start a Meaningful Conversation With Anyone

These questions will help you get below the surface to the things that really matter.

3 Ways to Recover From the Emotional Exhaustion of Ministry

"God created you with emotions, and he wants you to be real, to let your emotions out by expressing them to him."