Tag: revival

A Spiritual Movement Across the Land

God is certainly doing some amazing things in the United States, especially among young people.

A Spiritual Awakening Outside the Church Walls

We need the things of the Spirit to engage in culture and if we're called into politics, or into business or into education systems, be salt and light to the world.

Young People Experiencing Revival After 4,000 Baptized at California Beach

“This is the year of the Jesus Revolution for your generation,” said youth pastor R.J. McCauley.

Why Revival Can Begin in a Younger Generation

Why do we see revivals start with young people? Because they are desperate for a mighty move of God. They long for change.

A Genuine Revival Can’t Help But Spread

As exciting as being in the chapel at Asbury University is right now, imagine what it would be like to be in the room when the hand of God literally shook the building in response to the early believers’ prayers.

10 Ways to Spark Revival

God promises to show up and do a new work inside your heart that will make a lasting contribution to the community of believers you witness weekly.

Revival Has Come to Asbury University

What Happens on Campus Doesn’t Stay on Campus

What I Learned Teaching Pastors in Cuba

Teaching 75 pastor-leaders in Cuba stirred something new in my heart.