Scott Sunquist: The Shape of Christian History

The Shape of Christian History

IVP Academic, 2022

By Scott Sunquist

WHO: Scott Sunquist, president of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.

HE SAYS: “The carefully researched study of Christian history has a purpose beyond merely knowing what happened. Embedded in every chapter, episode and life are lessons for us, for our churches, and for society.”

THE BIG IDEA: An introduction to the writing and study of Christian history and the mission of the church in light of the great reversals of the last decades of the twentieth century.

THE PROGRESSION: In five chapters, the author identifies three concepts for framing church history: time, cross and glory. These themes shed light to help people discern how the Jesus movement developed from the first century to today. 

“As much as any religion and more than most, Christianity is a religion of history, rooted in historic events and a full participant in this world.”