Tag: IVP Academic

Walter R. Strickland II

The tale of Black faith is interwoven into the tapestry of God’s people.

Samuel G. Parkison

What do evangelicals stand to gain by reclaiming the doctrine of the beatific vision, and how might their theological distinctives stand to not only inform their reception of the doctrine but also enrich the great tradition more broadly?

Miranda Zapor Cruz

While Christian faithfulness can lead to a range of political approaches, underlying any approach should be a discernable Christianness.

Benjamin C.F. Shaw

The New Testament enjoys a textual tradition that stands out in a crowd and provides an ‘embarrassment of riches’ for scholars.

Timothy R. Gaines

This book will serve as an invitation to the adventurous joys of the theological life by first developing the virtues necessary for the work of theology.

J. Michael Jordan

A healing approach [to worship] can help to form worshipers who understand the world as it is, accept and embrace that world, and engage with it in a way that honors God.

Mark Glanville

Jazz by its nature as a traditioned, improvised, nuanced, intelligent, conversational art form, is an evocative metaphor for the church in post-Christendom.

A Prophet Is Not a Predictor of the Future

The prophets claim more, and the people credited them with more than just astute human discernment.