Mark Teasdale: Participating in Abundant Life

Participating in Abundant Life

IVP, 2022

By Mark Teasdale

WHO: Mark Teasdale, E. Stanley Jones Professor of Evangelism at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary in Evanston, Illinois. 

HE SAYS: “I hope that the local church’s practice of ministry, including evangelism, will offer a far better witness to how Jesus Christ invites us not just to receive but to exact abundant life.”

THE BIG IDEA: This book connects biblical perspectives of salvation and discipleship to contemporary concepts of well-being and the common good.  

THE PROGRESSION: Through seven chapters, the author addresses the lack of soteriological imagination by helping us think of salvation as something we experience by participating in abundant life.

“It is the right time for participating in abundant life as a way of living out our salvation and sharing it with others.”

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