Irwyn Ince Jr.: The Beautiful Community

The Beautiful Community: Unity, Diversity, and the Church at Its Best
(IVP, 2020)

WHO: Irwyn Ince Jr., pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church of Washington D.C. and director of the Grace DC Institute for Cross-Cultural Mission.

HE SAYS: “The Spirit of Christ loves to empower us to move toward beautiful community. But rest assured, he will change us in the process.”

THE BIG IDEA: We must cultivate spiritual practices that help us pursue unity in diversity.

THE PROGRESSION: Part 1, “Seeing and Knowing Our Beautiful Creator,” explores God’s nature and that the beautiful community is a reflection of God’s beauty. Part 2, “Restoring and Cultivating Our Beautiful Community,” looks at how the church often maintains divisions between people and offers a picture of what the beautiful community of our triune God looks like.

“The ministry of reconciliation demonstrated in the local church by the gathering of people from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and ethnicities is the natural outworking of a rich covenantal theological commitment.”

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Irwyn Ince Jr.
Irwyn Ince Jr.

Irwin Ince Jr. is a pastor at Grace DC Presbyterian Church and director of the Grace DC Institute for Cross-Cultural Mission. He is the author of The Beautiful Community: Unity, Diversity, and the Church at Its Best (IVP).

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