Christopher Yuan: Holy Sexuality and the Gospel

Outreach Resources of the Year
Social Issues and Social Justice

“This clarification of biblical sexual purity includes short, strong theology chapters on our highest calling, our being created in the image of God, our fall into sin with its present ramifications, and God’s purposes in being so clear about all sexual morality.”

“Yuan uses straight talk and very readable writing, always with a gracious mood that stems from his strong alliance with Christ and his past failures in morality. He dispels common theories of what causes homosexuality and clearly offers hope to people in battle. Thoughts on the fall are profound but also hopeful for us who struggle with sin and desire to rise in combination with Christ. ‘God’s Grand Story’—the title Yuan gives to his first chapter on his conversion to finding his identity in Christ instead of his sexuality—is golden and glorious.”

Evaluated by Knute Larson, and Outreach magazine consulting editor and a coach of pastors and churches.

Holy Sexuality and the Gospel: Sex, Desire, and Relationships Shaped by God’s Grand Story
(Multnomah, 2018)

WHO: Christopher Yuan, a professor at Moody Bible Institute.

HE SAYS: “How did what I do and what I feel become who I am?”

THE BIG IDEA: Holy sexuality is tethered to God’s grand story. This fully orbed, coherent theological framework helps us better and more fully comprehend human sexuality in light of God’s revealed truth.

THE PROGRESSION: In 20 chapters, Yuan explores the concept of holy sexuality—chastity in singleness or faithfulness in marriage—in a practical and relevant manner, equipping readers with an accessible yet robust theology of sexuality.

“If sex, desire, and relationships are shaped by God’s grand story and God’s grand story is shaped by Christ, then this means that sex, desire, and relationships—our whole sexuality—must be shaped by Christ as well.”

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Christopher Yuan
Christopher Yuan

Christopher Yuan is a Bible teacher at Moody Bible Institute. His speaking ministry on faith and sexuality has reached five continents.

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