
Generosity and Selflessness

It is really easy to give out of a surplus. That’s because the surplus is never something we truly need.

Everyday Evangelism

It all starts with a simple prayer to bring someone along your path today with whom you can share.

Aren’t Christians Just a Bunch of Hypocrites?

Rejecting Christianity because some Christians are hypocrites would be like not buying a certain brand of shoes because the only people you’ve ever seen wearing them were troublemakers.

Christine Colón: Choosing Community

Action, Faith and Joy in the Works of Dorothy L. Sayers

Dorothy Sayers, Individuals and Community

Dorothy Sayers' understanding of how individuals' work contributes to the preservation and transformation of society.

Gerald Sittser: Resilient Faith

How the Early Christian “Third Way” Changed the World

Faith for the Future

How should we adapt to a culture in which Christianity is becoming less familiar, pervasive and persuasive than it once was.

Jonathan Edwards and the Aftereffects of the Awakening

True religion consists in the movement of one's will toward obedience to God.

Know What You’re FOR

A Growth Strategy for Work, an even Better Strategy for Life

How to Turn Guests Into Fans

Make it your goal for each member of your staff to wow one person each day.

Does Church Membership Matter?

An elevator pitch for church membership