The Outreach Resources of the Year honors the past year’s best books that emphasize outreach-oriented ideas.
Last fall we invited publishers and authors to submit resources that released between Nov. 1, 2022, and Oct. 31, 2023. The Outreach magazine editorial team then placed the qualifying titles into 13 key categories for review by expert panelists in each field. After thoughtful consideration, they selected one or more entries as an Outreach Resource of the Year and spotlighted some titles as “Also Recommended.”
In this section you will discover valuable tools that belong on your bookshelf. You will reach for them time and again as they enhance your effectiveness in ministry through the years.
Evaluated by Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott, founders of the marriage assessment and authors of Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts.
The Deepest Place: Suffering and the Formation of Hope by Curt Thompson (Zondervan)
According to Gallup, more than a third of the U.S. population reports suffering significant emotional distress at any given time. And it’s these beleaguered and sometimes shell-shocked folks that make their way to your church for help. Written by a physician, The Deepest Place reverberates with heartfelt compassion, clinical understanding and studied, biblical wisdom that will benefit pastors and other ministry leaders involved in counseling.
Hope Is the First Dose: A Treatment Plan for Recovering From Trauma, Tragedy and Other Massive Things by W. Lee Warren (WaterBrook)
Suffering. Trauma. Tragedy. These are the excruciating and unrelenting life-experiences that counselors and clergy wrestle routinely. Hope Is the First Dose will help you to help others transform their suffering and grief into hope and healing. It doesn’t promise to help anyone suffer less, only to suffer differently. And that makes all the difference.