Natalie Runion

Raised to Stay
Esther Press/David C Cook, 2023
By Natalie Runion

WHO: Natalie Runion, founder of Raised to Stay.

SHE SAYS: “How do you cancel the quitting culture? You refuse to quit.”

THE BIG IDEA: This book is for those who have been hurt by Christians and/or the church, and are tempted to give up, but still long to keep their faith in God.

THE PROGRESSION: In Part 1, “The Hurt,” the author acknowledges the different hurts the church has caused and encourages readers to not give up. Part 2, “The Hard,” shows why we need to remain obedient and pray for patience. “The Hope” talks about how God can make beauty from ashes. Part 4, “The Healing,” says that while our journey may be hard, following Jesus is beautiful.

“Jesus is right here in the middle of our wandering, wondering and wrestling.”

Natalie Runion
Natalie Runion

Natalie Runion is pastor of women and creative pastor of family ministry at New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado.  In 2019 after watching many of her peers walk away from the church and their faith, Natalie began Raised to Stay, a ministry for those who have wandered, wondered and wrestled with the church and the challenges of full-time ministry.