From Reactive to Proactive

As the world becomes increasingly connected, the need for robust physical security measures has never been greater. While traditional security measures such as locks, alarms and security personnel are still important, the integration of advanced technology has become an essential component of any comprehensive security strategy. 

From access control systems to video surveillance and artificial intelligence, the technology available to enhance physical security measures is rapidly evolving. It is therefore crucial that churches stay informed about the latest advancements and take proactive steps to implement these technologies to stay ahead of security threats.

Advanced Access Control Systems

Access management is a crucial component of any comprehensive physical security plan. With advanced access control systems such as facial recognition, biometric scanners and key cards, organizations can restrict access to different areas and monitor who is coming and going. Implementing access control measures at your church can also help you detect and prevent security breaches by allowing you to do simple things like performing an audit to detect unauthorized access to critical parts of your building and providing access to vendors with limited permissions.

Advanced access control systems are also becoming increasingly important in today’s world of active violence. By implementing a strategic plan that incorporates advanced access control technology throughout its facility, a church can remotely lock down buildings or zones of a building at the press of a button. 

How AI is Revolutionizing Surveillance 

While cameras can be effective, footage is often viewed only after an incident has occurred. That’s where AI technology comes in to help you turn that small camera from being a reactive tool to a proactive one. 

Camera AI allows organizations to shift from a reactive approach to a proactive one. With security analytics using software like Verkada, Avigilon and Genetec, organizations can receive real-time alerts for unusual behaviors that have been predetermined by the administrator, such as movement on a certain camera or an item left in an area for an extended period of time. These systems can also be programmed to send alerts when someone attempts to access a restricted area without proper authorization. 

Mass Notification Systems 

One technology that is bridging the gap between physical security and security technology is the advancement of the mass notification system. This system can be used in two primary ways to enhance security measures. First, in conjunction with access management systems, mass notification can inform people of what danger is confronting them using predetermined responses already entered into the system. Second, mass notification can be used to alert offsite leadership and team members who need critical information during an emergency or crisis. Mass notifications can also be used as warnings, such as in the case of severe weather or an active assailant. 

Next Steps

It’s essential that your organization is informed about the latest advancements and takes proactive steps to implement them, staying ahead of potential security threats.

So, what is your church going to do to improve security technology so that you can be better prepared? 

Simon Osamoh is an author and founder of Kingswood Security Consulting.

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