Tag: purpose

Worldview May Be Key to America’s Mental Health Crisis

The research indicates that those who adopt these unbiblical beliefs are significantly more likely to experience anxiety, depression, and fear.

Claude R. Alexander Jr.: Obligation, Calling and Purpose

If I understand faith as something I get, then it’s a matter of how I use it. But if I understand that God has me, then the matter becomes how God chooses to use me, not how I choose to use God.

Research: The Shifting Views of Americans on Meaning and Purpose

As Americans attempt to move past the life-altering effects of 2020, their perspective is shifting on some of the most significant questions facing humanity. A...

How to Find Your Purpose

If someone asked you what your purpose is in life, how would you respond?

How to Discover Your Purpose

Be who you were always meant to be.

Erwin Raphael McManus: With Your Last Breath

"If you truly live before you die, your life will have a power that not even death can conquer."