Why Jesus Is Key to Kingdom Thinking and Church Planting

The life of Jesus is the key to our missional mindset and discipleship practices as a church.

How to Plant a Church Without Losing Your Spouse

While you're doing the hard work of planting a church, don't forget to be dialed-in to your spouse's needs.

How to Create Disciple-Making Environments

Discipleship is not just about those already in the church, but those outside as well.

Peyton Jones: Church Plantology

The Art and Science of Planting Churches (Zondervan)

Church Planting Versus Church Starting

Excerpted from 'Church Plantology'

4 Stories of How God is Working During the Pandemic

In hard seasons, it’s easy to miss God’s goodness and the ways his mission is still moving forward.

How to Give an Effective Online Gospel Invitation

Clearly sharing the gospel and inviting people to follow Christ online

7 Ways Church Planting Will Benefit Your Church

Planting is not only key to fulfilling the Great Commission, but here are seven ways that planting also benefits the sending church.