Tag: Matthew Soerens

20th Annual Outreach Resources of the Year: Social Issues

While acknowledging hits to the credibility, reputation and psyche of the church's collective witness, they passionately and practically encourage readers to see this not so much as a problem but an opportunity for the church to understand the times and know what is the best course of action to take (1 Chron. 12:32) in pursuit of systemic transformation for the sake of the gospel.

20th Annual Outreach Resources of the Year

Discover new favorites and valuable tools that will enhance your effectiveness in ministry.

4 Ways Churches Can Embrace Refugees

The annual ceiling for refugee admissions to America is likely to be raised. Are we ready to serve them?

Welcoming the Stranger

Matthew Soerens and Jenny Yang: Justice, Compassion & the Truth in the Immigration Debate

How Can We Bring Light to Immigration Dilemma?

The immigration debate has become increasingly heated in recent years. How can we as Christians bring light to the discussion?