Sync Up Your Team
“Any time you can have a resource that will sync up your team that reaches people, you have found a great tool. Outreach magazine has become that tool for the staff and leaders of Healing Place Church. By having multiple subscriptions, we’re able to continue to fuel a coordinated and inspired effort for all our serve teams. It’s a menu of ideas that strengthens our Servolution.”
Dino Rizzo Healing Place Church Baton Rouge, La.
Kingdom Impact
“No other magazine affects the bottom-line kingdom impact of your church like Outreach. I devour each issue and always walk away with new ideas for reaching people. You simply can’t afford to not read it.”
Nelson Searcy The Journey Church
Cover to Cover
“With anticipation, I read each issue of Outreach cover to cover for relevant ideas and inspiration for evangelism. Outreach helps fuel my fire for reaching people for Christ.”
R. York Moore InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
A Conference in a Magazine
“A conference in a magazine! That’s the way I see Outreach magazine each time the latest issue hits my desk. Chock-full of ideas that really worked in real churches like mine, Outreach features the most effective church thinkers and doers. Grab a copy, then go reach your community and change the world.”
Chuck Warnock Chatham Baptist Church Chatham, Va.
An Encouragement to Keep Pressing Onward
“For any church leader who is taking the mission of Jesus seriously, there is no other resource out there that directly talks about evangelism like Outreach magazine does. Interestingly, I read it while on staff at a megachurch for many years and gained so many ideas and wisdom from it for that context. Now as a church planter the past few years in a smaller setting, I find it all the more needed as it is filled with stories, ideas, inspiration and hope for what God can do in churches of all sizes. It is not just evangelism theory in Outreach magazine, but it is stories and ideas from churches all across America of all sizes, shapes, denominations and approaches that we can learn from. Reading it feels like I am staying in tune with my brothers and sisters across America who are also passionate about evangelism. Every issue is an encouragement to keep pressing onward in the evangelistic mission.”
Dan Kimball Vintage Faith Church Santa Cruz, Calif.
The Encouragement I Need
“The first time I opened an Outreach magazine, I remember thinking,‘Where have you been all my life?’ Finally a magazine that goes beyond theory to best practices without compromising Truth. I read Outreach every month like a textbook, and it has blessed our ministry with great ideas, leadership principles and simply put, the encouragement I need.”
Bil Cornelius Bay Area Fellowship Corpus Christi, Texas
Able to Better Carry Out my Job
“Outreach magazine gets it. They get the local church. They get the missional lifestyle of the kingdom. They also get some of the best writers and practitioners in the church world to help me get it. Because of the years I have been reading Outreach, I am able to better carry out my job as an experiences pastor.”
Shawn Wood Seacoast Church Mount Pleasant, S.C.
New Ideas
“One of my fears as a leader is getting trapped in a ‘closed system.’ That’s why I read Outreach. It’s at the top of the stack. I’m always getting new ideas from the articles.”
Mark Batterson National Community Church Washington, D.C.
Raising Up the Church
“The greatest challenge for church leaders is raising up the church ‘out of the culture.’ I love how Outreach keeps me thinking creatively about culture and the mission of Jesus through His church.”
John Burke Gateway Church Austin, Texas
Outwardly Focused
“Outreach magazine helps turn inwardly focused people into outwardly focused Christ-followers by consistently offering practical, doable and authentic ideas, inspired by the practitioners who are on the front lines of advancing God’s kingdom. Don’t go outreaching without this magazine.”
Doug Pollock Athletes in Action
Ideas, Insight and Inspiration
“I count on Outreach magazine to deliver ideas, insight and inspiration—something each issue manages to do. I just have to read it when it comes.”
Chris Mavity North Coast Church Training Network Vista, Calif.
Spurs Creativity
“Outreach magazine is an invaluable resource for our staff to stay connected to ideas that are working in churches and communities throughout the country. It spurs creativity and challenges us constantly.”
Jenni Catron Cross Point Church Nashville, Tenn.Reaching the World by Serving Others
“Everywhere Jesus went, He set an example for us by reaching out to poor and hurting people. Outreach magazine gives great conversation on how we as the church can be most effective in reaching the world by serving others Jesus-style.”
Dan Ohlerking Healing Place Church Baton Rouge, La.