Tag: LifeWay Research

Joining God in His Work

In the kingdom of god, you are an essential worker.

Study: Most Churches Have Not Returned to Pre-Pandemic Attendance Levels

One in 10 churches (9%) say their attendance in September was less than 30% of what it was in February before the pandemic spread to the U.S. Another 20% say attendance was between 30% and less than 50% of what it was.

Is Bivocational Better?

The Challenges and Benefits of Bivocational Ministry

3 Disagreement Traps to Avoid

More than a few of us fall into traps of incivility that do not represent Jesus Christ well.

Americans’ Diverse Views on Religion More Opinion Than Fact

More than half of Americans say religious beliefs are a matter of personal opinion, not objective facts. And that’s made clear by examining the...

Rules of Incivility

3 Disagreement Traps to Avoid

Church Growth in the Year of COVID

Throw out the playbook, not the mission.

Research: How Well Do Churchgoers Understand the Bible?

Most churchgoers are comfortable addressing others' doubts, but still feel gaps in their understanding of the Bible.